Soya Beverage Making Technician (English eBook)

This Participant Handbook is designed to enable training for the specific Qualification Pack(QP). Each National Occupational Standard (NOS) is covered across Unit/s.

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Instructor: FICSILanguage: English

About the course

This Participant Handbook is designed to enable training for the specific Qualification Pack(QP). Each National Occupational Standard (NOS) is covered across Unit/s.

Key Learning Objectives for the specific NOS mark the beginning of the Unit/s for that NOS. The symbols used in this book are described below.

This reference book has been developed for use Par􀀁cipant Handbook of the skill development course for a Soya Beverage Making Technician being implemented by FICSI through its affiliated training service providers. The contents of this book are completely aligned to the Qualifica􀀁on Pack for the role of a Soya Beverage Making Technician NSQF level 4 and has been divided into Units corresponding to each NOS (Na􀀁onal Occupa􀀁onal Standard). The contents of the book have been developed by NIFTEM (Na􀀁onal Ins􀀁tute of Food Technology, Entrepreneurship and management, Kundli with support of MOFPI, Government of India).


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