Packing Machine Worker-Food Processing (Gujarati eBook)



Instructor: FICSI

About the course

This course is designed to enable training for the specific Qualification Pack(QP). Each National Occupational Standards(NOS) is covered across Unit/s.

Key Learning Objectives for the specific NOS mark the beginning of the Unit/s for that NOS. The symbols used in this book are described below.

This reference book has been developed for use Participant Handbook of the skill development course for a Packing Machine Worker-Food Processing being implemented by FICSI through its affiliated training service providers. The contents of this book are completely aligned to the Qualification Pack for the role of a Packing Machine Worker-Food Processing NSQF level 3 and has been divided into Units corresponding to each NOS (national Occupational Standard). The contents of the book have been developed by NIFTEM (National Institute of Food Technology, Entrepreneurship and management,
Kundli with support of MOFPI, Government of India).


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